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Masaki Uchida, Elia Manzo§, Dustin Echeveria§, Sophie Jimenez§, and Logan Lovell§ “Harnessing physicochemical properties of virus capsids for designing enzyme confined nanocompartments” Curr Opin Virol, 52, 250 – 257, 2022,


Masaki Uchida†, Nicholas E. Brunk†, Nathasha D. Hewagama, Byeongdu Lee, Peter E. Prevelige Jr., Vikram Jadhao, and Trevor Douglas “Multilayered ordered protein arrays self-assembled from a mixed population of virus-like particles”, submitted († These authors contribute equally to this paper)

Masaki Uchida, Ekaterina Selivanovitch§, Kimberly McCoy§, and Trevor Douglas “Fabrication of protein macromolecular frameworks (PMFs) and their application in catalytic materials”, Methods in Molecular Biology, submitted

Ekaterina Selivanovitch§, Masaki Uchida, Byeongdu Lee, Trevor Douglas “Substrate partitioning into protein macromolecular frameworks for enhanced catalytic turnover”, ACS Nano, 15, 15687-15699, 2021, doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c05004


Yang Wang§, Masaki Uchida, Hitesh Kumar Waghwani§, and Trevor Douglas “Synthetic virus-like particles for glutathione biosynthesis” ACS Synth Biol, 9, 3298 – 3310, doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.0c00368

Hitesh Kumar Waghwani§, Masaki Uchida, Chi-Yu Fu, Ben LaFrance§, Jhanvi Sharma§, Kimberly McCoy§, and Trevor Douglas “Virus like particles (VLPs) as a platform for hierarchical compartmentalization” Biomacromolecule, 21, 2060-72, 2020, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.0c00030


Masaki Uchida, Bernhard Maier, Hitesh Kumar Waghwani§, Kate Selivanovitch§, S. Louise Pay, John Avera, EJun Yun§, Ruben M. Sandoval, Bruce A. Molitoris, Amy Zollman, Trevor Douglas, Takashi Hato “Targeting kidney proximal tubules by protein nanocages via glomerular filtration” J Clin Invest, 129, 3941-3951, 2019, doi: 10.1172/JCI127511.

Nicholas E. Brunk†, Masaki Uchida†, Byeongdu Lee, Masafumi Fukuto, Lin Yang, Trevor Douglas, and Vikram Jadhao “Linker-mediated assembly of virus-like particles into ordered arrays via electrostatic control” ACS Apply Biomater, 2, 2192-2201, 2019, doi: 10.1021/acssbm.9b00166 († These authors contribute equally to this paper)


William M. Aumiller Jr., Masaki Uchida, Daniel W Biner, Heini M Miettinen, Byeongdu Lee and Trevor Douglas “Stimuli Responsive Hierarchical Assembly of P22 Virus-Like Particles” Chem Mater, 30, 3433-3469, 2018, doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04964

Kimberly McCoy§, Masaki Uchida, Byeongdu Lee, and Trevor Douglas “Templated assembly of a functional ordered protein macromolecular framework from P22 virus-like particles” ACS Nano, 12, 3541-3550, 2018, doi: 10.1021/acsnano.8b00528


William M. Aumiller Jr.†, Masaki Uchida†, and Trevor Douglas “Protein cage assembly across multiple length scales” Chem Soc Rev, 47, 3433-3469, 2108, doi: 10.1039/c7cs00818j († These authors contribute equally to this paper)

Masaki Uchida, Kimberly McCoy§, Masafumi Fukuto, Lin Yang, Hideyuki Yoshimura, Heini M. Miettinen, Ben LaFrance§, Dustin Patterson, Benjamin Schwarz§, Jonathan A. Karty, Peter E. Prevelige Jr., Byeongdu Lee, and Trevor Douglas “Modular self-assembly of protein cage lattices for multistep catalysis” ACS Nano, 12, 942-953, 2018, doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b06049


Jhanvi Sharma§, Masaki Uchida, Heini M. Miettinen and Trevor Douglas “Modular interior loading and exterior decoration of a virus-like particle” Nanoscale, 9, 10420-430, 2017, doi: 10.1039/c7nr03018e


Dustin Patterson, Benjamin Schwarz, John Avera, Brian Western, Matthew Hicks, Paul Krugler, Matthew Terra, Masaki Uchida, Kimberly McCoy, Trevor Douglas “Sortase-Mediated Ligation as a Modular Approach for the Covalent Attachment of Proteins to the Exterior of the Bacteriophage P22 Virus-like Particle“ Bioconjugate Chemistry, 28, 2114-124, 2017, doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00296


Benjamin Schwarz§, Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas “Biomedical and Catalytic Opportunities of Virus-like Particles in Nanotechnology” Adv Virus Res, 97, 1-60, 2017, doi: 10.1016/bs.aivir.2016.09.002


Masaki Uchida, Benjamin Schwarz§ and Trevor Douglas “Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) in Supramolecular Chemistry” Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II, Elsevier, Vol. 5, 128-48, 2017


Toshiro Kitagawa, Hisanori Kosuge, Masaki Uchida, Yasunori Iida, Ronald L. Dalman, Trevor Douglas and Michael V. McConnell “RGD targeting of human ferritin iron oxide nanoparticles enhances in vivo MRI of vascular inflammation and angiogenesis in experimental carotid disease and abdominal aortic aneurysm” J Magn Reson Imaging, 45, 1144-53, 2017, doi: 10.1002/jmri.25459


Ethan Edwards§, Rajarshi Roychoudhury, Benjamin Schwarz, Paul Jordan§, John Lisher, Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas "Co-localization of catalysts within a protein cage leads to efficient photochemical NADH and/or hydrogen production" J. Mater. Chem. B, 4, 5375-84, 2016, doi: 10.1039/c6tb01175f


Hisanori Kosuge, Masaki Uchida, Toshinobu Saito, Janice Lucon§, Shefah Qazi§, Trevor Douglas and Michael V. McConnell “P22 protein cage nanoparticles targeted with RGD enhanced detection of vascular inflammation” Circulation, 134, Suppl 1, 14212, 2016


Hideyuki Yoshimura, Ethan Edwards§, Masaki Uchida, Kimberly McCoy§, Raj Roychoudhury, Benjamin Schwarz§, Dustin Patterson and Trevor Douglas, "Two-Dimensional Crystallization of P22 Virus-Like Particles" J Phys Chem B, 120, 5938-44, 2016, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b01425


Basmah A. Othman, Christina Greenwood, Ayman F. Abuelela, Anil A. Bharath, Shu Chen, Ioannis Theodorou, Trevor Douglas, Masaki Uchida, Mary Ryan, Jasmeen S. Merzaban and Alex E. Porter, "Targeted Cancer Therapy: Correlative light-electron microscopy shows RGD-targeted ZnO nanoparticles dissolve in the intracellular environment of triple negative breast cancer cells and cause apoptosis with intratumor heterogeneity" Adv Healthc Mater, 5, 1310-25, 2016, doi: 10.1002/adhm.201501012


Luis O’mar Serrano Figueroa, Betsey Pitts, Masaki Uchida and Abigail M. Richards “Vesicle self-assembly of amphiphilic siderophores produced by bacterial isolates from Soap Lake, Washington” Can J Chem, 94 35-43, 2016, doi: 10.1139/cjc-2015-0173


Benjamin Schwarz§, Patrick Madden, John Avera, Bridget Gordon, Kyle Larson, Heini M. Miettinen, Masaki Uchida, Ben LaFrance§, Gautam Basu, Agnieszka Rynda-Apple, and Trevor Douglas “Symmetry controlled, genetic presentation of bioactive proteins on the P22 virus-like particle using an external decoration protein” ACSNano, 9, 9134-47, 2015, doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b03360


Masaki Uchida, Ben LaFrance§, Chris C. Broomell, Peter E. Prevelige, and Trevor Douglas “Higher order assembly of virus-like particle (VLP) mediated by multi-valent protein linkers” Small, 11, 1562-70, 2015, doi: 10.1002/smll.201402067


Gregory J. Bedwell, Ziyou Zhou, Masaki Uchida, Trevor Douglas, Arunava Gupta, and Peter, E. Prevelige “Selective biotemplated synthesis of TiO2 inside of protein cage” Biomacromolecules, 16, 214-18, 2015, doi: 10.1021/bm501443e


Masaki Uchida, Shefah Qazi§, Ethan Edwards§ and Trevor Douglas “Use of protein cages as a template for confined synthesis of inorganic and organic nanoparticles” Methods in Molecular Biology, 1252, 17-25, 2015


Danielle Rand, Masaki Uchida, Trevor Douglas and Christoph Rose-Petruck, “X-ray spatial frequency heterodyne imaging of protein-based nanobubble contrast agents” Optics Express, 22, 23290-98, 2014


Shefah Qazi§, Masaki Uchida, Robert Usselman and Trevor Douglas “Manganese (III) porphyrins complexed with P22 virus-like particles as T1-enhanced contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)”, J Biol Inorg Chem, 19, 237-46, 2014


Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas “Unravelling capsid transformations” Nature Chem., 5, 444-445, 2013


Janice Lucon§, Ethan Edwards§, Shefah Qazi§, Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas “Atom transfer radical polymerization on the interior of the P22 capsid and incorporation of photocatalytic monomer crosslinks”, Eur Polym J, 49, 2976-85, 2013


Hisanori Kosuge, Masaki Uchida, Janice Lucon§, Shefah Qazi§, Trevor Douglas and Michael V. McConnell “High-Gd-Payload P22 protein cage nanoparticles for imaging vascular inflammation”, J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 15, O66, 2013


Janice Lucon§, Shefah Qazi§, Masaki Uchida, Gregory J. Bedwell, Ben LaFrance, Peter, E. Prevelige, Jr. and Trevor Douglas “Use of the interior cavity of the P22 capsid for site-specific initiation of atom transfer radical polymerization with high-density cargo loading”, Nature Chem., 4, 781-788, 2012, doi: 10.1021/nn102863y


Masaki Uchida, David S. Morris, Sebyung Kang, Craig C. Jolley, Janice Lucon§, Lars O. Liepold, Ben LaFrance§, Peter, E. Prevelige, Jr. and Trevor Douglas, “Site directed coordination chemistry with P22 virus-like particles”, Langmuir, 28, 1998-2006, 2012, doi: 10.1021/la203866c


Toshihiro Kitagawa, Hisanori Kosuge, Masaki Uchida, Monica M. Dua, Yasunori Iida, Ronald L. Dalman, Trevor Douglas and Michael V. McConnell., “RGD-conjugated human ferritin nanoparticles for imaging vascular inflammation and angiogenesis in experimental carotid and aortic disease”, Mol. Imaging Biol., 14, 315-24, 2012


Craig Jolley, Janice Lucon§, Masaki Uchida, Courtney Reichhardt§, Mary Vaughn, Ben LaFrance§, Trevor Douglas, “Structure, dynamics, and solvation in a disordered metal-organic coordination polymer: a multiscale study”, J Coord Chem, 64, 4301-17, 2011


Young Ji Kang, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Hee Shin, Trevor Douglas and Sebyung Kang, “Biomimetic FePt nanoparticles synthesis within Pyrococcus furiosus ferritins and their layer-by-layer formation”, Soft Matter, 7, 11078-81, 2011


Courtney Reichhardt§, Masaki Uchida, Alison O’Neil, Rui Li, Peter Prevelige and Trevor Douglas, “Templated assembly of organic-inorganic materials using the core shell structure of the P22 bacteriophage” Chem. Comm., 47, 6326-28, 2011


Masaki Uchida†, Hisanori Kosuge†, Masahiro Terashima, Deborah A.Willits, Mark J. Young, Michael V. McConnell, and Trevor Douglas, “Protein cage nanoparticles bearing the LyP-1 peptide for enhanced imaging of macrophage-rich vascular lesions”, ACS Nano, 5, 2493-502, 2011, doi: 10.1021/nn102863y († These author contribute equally to this paper)


Ayako Oyane, Koji Hyodo, Masaki Uchida, Yu Sogo, Atsuo Ito, “Preliminary in vivo study of apatite and laminin-apatite composite layers on polymeric percutaneous implants” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B-Appl. Biomater, 97B, 96-104, 2011.


Masahiro Terashima, Masaki Uchida, Hisanori Kosuge, Philip S. Tsao, Mark Young, Steven M. Conolly, Trevor Douglas and Michael McConnell, “Human Ferritin Cages for Imaging Vascular Macrophages”, Biomaterials, 32, 1430-7, 2011


Masaki Uchida, Sebyung Kang, Courtney Reichhardt§, Kevin Harlen§ and Trevor Douglas “The ferritin superfamily: Supramolecular templates for materials synthesis” Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1800, 834-45, 2010


Sebyung Kang, Masaki Uchida, Alison O’Neal, Rui Li, Peter E. Prevelige and Trevor Douglas, “Implementation of P22 viral capsids as nanoplatforms” Biomacromolecules, 11, 2804-9, 2010


Mitsuhiro Okuda, Yoko Suzumoto, Kenji Iwahori, Sebyung Kang, Masaki Uchida, Trevor Douglas and Ichiro Yamashita, “Bio-templated CdSe nanoparticle synthesis in a cage shaped protein, Listeria-Dps, and their two dimensional ordered array self-assembly”, Chem. Comm., 46, 8797-99, 2010


Craig Jolley, Masaki Uchida, Courtney Reichhardt§, Richard Harrington, Sebyung Kang, Michael Klem, John Parise and Trevor Douglas, “Size and crystallinity in protein-templated inorganic nanoparticles”, Chem. Mater., 22, 4612-18, 2010


Furukawa S. Katsuko, Keigo Nakamura, Yuji Onimura, Masaki Uchida, Atsuo Ito, Takashi Yamane, Tamotsu Tamaki, Takashi Ushida and Tetsuya Tateishi, “Quantitative analysis of human platelet adhesions under a small-scale flow device”, Artif. Organs, 34, 295-300, 2010


Janice Lucon§, Md Joynal Abedin, Masaki Uchida, Lars Liepold, Craig Jolley, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas, “A click chemistry based coordination polymer inside small heat shock protein” Chem. Comm., 46, 264-66, 2010


Michelle Flenniken, Masaki Uchida, Lars Liepold, Sebyung Kang, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas “A library of protein cage architectures as nanomaterials” Virus and Nanotechnology in Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol., 327, 71-93, 2009


Masaki Uchida, Deborah Willits, Karin Muller, Ann Willis, Larissa Jackiw, Mark Jutila, Mark Young Alexandra Porter and Trevor Douglas, “Intra-cellular distribution of macrophage targeting ferritin iron oxide nano-composite” Adv. Mater., 21, 458-62, 2009.


Masahiro Terashima, Masaki Uchida, Hisanori Kosuge, Mark Young, Trevor Douglas and Michael McConnell, “Targeted protein cage nanoparticles detects macrophages accumulation in mouse atherosclerosis using fluorescence imaging” Circulation 118, S554-S555, 2009


Mark Young Debbie Willits, Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas “Plant viruses as biotemplates for materials and their use in nanotechnology” Annu. Rev. Phytopathol, 46, 361-84, 2008


Masaki Uchida, Masahiro Terashima, Charles Cunningham, Yoriyasu Suzuki, Deborah Willits, Ann Willis, Philip Yang, Michael McConnell, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas “A Human ferritin iron oxide nano-composite magnetic resonance contrast agent” Magn. Reson. Med., 60, 1073-81, 2008.


Sebyung Kang, Janice Lucon, Zachary Varpness, Lars Liepold, Masaki Uchida, Deborah Willits, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas, “Monitoring biomimetic platinum nanocluster formation using mass spectrometry and cluster-dependent H2 production” Angew. Chem. Int., 47, 7845-48, 2008.


Masaki Uchida, Michael Klem, Mark Allen, Peter Suci, Michelle Flenniken, Eric Gillitzer, Zachary Varpness, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas “Biological containers: protein cages as multifunctional nano-platforms” Adv. Mater., 19, 1025-42, 2007


Masaki Uchida, Michelle Flenniken, Mark Allen, Deborah Willits, Bridgid Crowley, Susan Brumfield, Ann Willis, Larissa Jackiw, Mark Jutila, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas, “Targeting of cancer cells with ferromagnetic ferritin cage nanoparticles” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 16626-32, 2006.


Ayako Oyane, Yoahiro Yokoyama, Masaki Uchida, and Atsuo Ito, “The formation of an antibacterial agent-apatite composite coating on a polymer surface using a metastable calcium phosphate solution” Biomaterials, 27 3295-3303, 2006.


Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida, Kazuo Onuma and Atsuo Ito, “Spontaneous growth of a laminin-apatite nano-composite in a metastable calcium phosphate solution” Biomaterials, 27 167-175, 2006.


Ayako Oyane, Koji Hyodo, Masaki Uchida, Yu Sogo, Atsuo Ito, “Biological evaluation of a laminin-apatite-polymer composite for use in skin terminals” Key Eng Mater, 309-311, 1181-1184, 2006.




Masaki Uchida, Atsuo Ito, Katsuko S. Furukawa, Keigo Nakamura, Yuji Onimura, Ayako Oyane, Takashi Ushida, Takashi Yamane, Tamotsu Tamaki and Tetsuya Tateish, “Reduced platelet adhesion to titanium metal coated with apatite, albumin-apatite composite or laminin-apatite composite” Biomaterials, 26, 6924 – 6931, 2005.


Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida, Yousuke Ishihara and Atsuo Ito, “Ultra-structural study of the laminin-apatite composite layer formed on ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer by a biomimetic process” Key Eng Mater, 284-286, 227-30, 2005.


Ayako Oyane, Takashi Ishizone, Masaki Uchida, Katsuko Furukawa, Takashi Ushida and Hideaki Yokoyama, “Spontaneous formation of blood-compatible surfaces on hydrophobic polymers: Surface enrichment of a block copolymer with a water-soluble block” Adv. Mater., 17, 2329-32, 2005.


Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida, Yoshiro Yokoyama, Cleo Choong, James Triffitt and Atsuo Ito, “Simple surface modification of poly(e-caprolactone) to induce its apatite-forming ability” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A, 75, 138 – 145, 2005.


Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida, Cleo Choong, James Triffitt, John Jones and Atsuo Ito, “Simple surface modification of poly(e-caprolactone) for apatite deposition from simulated body fluid” Biomaterials, 26, 2407-2413, 2005.


Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida and Atsuo Ito, “Laminin-apatite composite coating to enhance cell adhesion to ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer”, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A, 72, 168-74, 2005.



Ayako Oyane, Yu Sogo, Masaki Uchida and Atsuo Ito, “Apatite/protein composite” Materials Integration, 18, Special topic “Bioceramics”, 27-30, 2005. (in Japanese)


Ayako Oyane, Yoahiro Yokoyama, Masaki Uchida, Kazuo Onuma and Atsuo Ito ”Preparation of Apatite-Polymer Composite from meta-stable calcium phosphate solution” Nihon-kessyouseicyo-gakkaishi, 31, 188-189, 2005. (in Japanese)



Ayako Oyane, Masaki Uchida and Atsuo Ito, “Biomimetic coating of laminin-apatite composite layer onto ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer” Key Eng Mater, 254-56, 541-44, 2004.


Masaki Uchida, Ayako Oyane, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo and Atsuo Ito, “Biomimetic coating of laminin-apatite composite on titanium metal and its excellent cell adhesive property” Adv. Mater., 16, 1071-74, 2004.


Bangcheng Yang, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Xingdong Zhang and Tadashi Kokubo, “Preparation of bioactive titanium metal via anodic oxidation treatment” Biomaterials, 25, 1003-10, 2004.





Bojian Liang, Shunsuke Fujibayashi, Masashi Neo, Jiro Tamura, Hyun-Min Kim, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Histological and mechanical investigation of the bone-bonding ability of anodically oxidized titanium in rabbits” Biomaterials, 24, 4959-66, 2003.


Kazuaki Muramatsu, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Akira Fujisawa and Tadashi Kokubo, “Thrombo-resistance of alkali- and heat-treated titanium metal and that formed with apatite on it during contact with heparin,” J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 65A, 409-16, 2003.


Kenji Tanaka, Jiro Tamura, Keiichi Kawanabe, Masahiro Nawa, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Phase stability after aging and its influence on wear properties of Ce-TZP Al2O3 nanocomposite and conventional Y-TZP,” J. Biomed. Mater Res., 67A, 200-207, 2003.


Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Shunsuke Fujibayashi and Takashi Nakamura, “Structural dependence of apatite formation on titania gels in a simulated body fluid,” J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 64A, 164-170, 2003.


Shunsuke Fujibayashi, Hyun-Min Kim, Masashi Neo, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Repair of segmental long bone defect in rabbit femur using bioactive titanium cylindrical mesh cage,” Biomaterials, 24, 3445-51, 2003.


Bojian Liang, Shunsuke Fujibayashi, Jiro Tamura, Masashi Neo, Hyun-Min Kim, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Bone-bonding ability of anodic oxidized titanium” Key Eng Mater, 240-42, 923-26, 2003




Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Shunsuke Fujibayashi and Takashi Nakamura, “Effect of water treatment on the apatite-forming ability of NaOH-treated titanium metal,” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. (Appl. Biomater.), 63, 522-530, 2002.


Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Kenji Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura, “Structural dependence of apatite formation on zirconia gels in a simulated body fluid,” J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 110, 710-15, 2002.

Kenji Tanaka, Jiro Tamura, Keiichi Kawanabe, Masahiro Nawa, Masanori Oka, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Ce-TZP/Al2O3 nanocomposite as a bearing material in total joint replacement,” J. Biomed. Mater Res. (Appl. Biomater.), 63, 262-70, 2002

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Masahiro Nawa, Taiyo Asano, Kenji Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura “Apatite-forming ability of a zirconia/alumina nano-composite induced by chemical treatment,” J. Biomed. Mater Res., 60, 277-82, 2002.

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Fumiaki Miyaji, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Apatite formation on zirconium metal treated with aqueous NaOH,” Biomaterials, 23, 313-17, 2002.

Shunsuke Fujibayashi, Shigeru Nishiguchi, Jiro Tamura, Takashi Nakamura, Hyun-Min Kim, Masaki Uchida and Tadashi Kokubo, “Comparative study between in vivo bone ingrowth behavior in rabbits and in vitro apatite forming ability in simulated body fluid using granules of P2O5-free Na2O-CaO-SiO2 glass system,” Key Eng Mater, 218-20, 193-94, 2002

Kenji Tanaka, Jiro Tamura, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo, Masahiro Nawa and Takashi Nakamura, “Ce-TZP/Al2O3 nanocomposite for total joint prostheses,” Key Eng Mater, 218-20, 605-8, 2002

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Masahiro Nawa, Kenji Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura, “Apatite-forming ability of zirconia gels with different structures,” Key Eng Mater, 218-20, 637-40, 2002

Hideki Kaneko, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Process of apatite formation induced by anatase on titanium metal in simulated body fluid,” Key Eng Mater, 218-20, 649-52, 2002

Mei Wei, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Apatite-forming ability of CaO-containing titania,” Biomaterials, 23, 167-72, 2002.


Shunsuke Fujibayashi, Takashi Nakamura, Shigeru Nishiguchi, Jiro Tamura, Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim and Tadashi Kokubo, “Bioactive titanium: Effect of sodium removal on the bone-bonding ability of bioactive titanium prepared by alkali and heat treatment,” J. Biomed. Mater Res., 56, 562-570, 2001

Kenji Tanaka, Jiro Tamura, Keiichi Kawanabe, Takashi Nakamura, Masahiro Nawa, Masaki Uchida, Tadashi Kokubo “Ce-TZP Al2O3 composite for a bearing materials” Orthopedic Ceramic Implants, 21 61-64, 2001. (in Japanese)

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo and Takashi Nakamura, “Apatite-forming ability of sodium-containing titania gels in a simulated body fluid,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 84, 2969-74, 2001.

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Fumiaki Miyaji and Takashi Nakamura, “Bonelike apatite formation induced on zirconia gel in a simulated body fluid and its modified solutions,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 84, 2041-44, 2001


Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Masahiro Nawa, Taiyo Asano, Kenji Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura “Apatite-forming ability of a zirconia/alumina composite induced by chemical treatment,” Key Eng Mater, 192-95, 733-36, 2000

Masaki Uchida, Hyun-Min Kim, Tadashi Kokubo, Masahiro Nawa, Taiyo Asano, Kenji Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura “Introduction of apatite-forming ability to zirconia/alumina nano-composite with high fracture toughness” Orthopedic Ceramic Implants, 20, 49-53, 2000. (in Japanese)

Tadashi Kokubo, Hyun-Min Kim, Masakazu Kawashita, Hideki Takadama, Toshiki Miyazaki, Masaki Uchida, and Takashi Nakamura, “Nucleation and growth of apatite on amorphous phases in simulated body fluid,” Glastech. Ber. Glass Sci. Technol. 73 [C1] 247-254, 2000

Book Chapters

Shefah Qazi§, Janice Lucon§, Masaki Uchida and Trevor Douglas “Protein Cage Nanoparticles for Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Materials” in Coordination Chemistry in Protein Cages–principles, design, and applications-“, Takafumi Ueno and Yoshihito Watanabe Ed. Wiley, 275-304, 2013

Masaki Uchida, Lars O. Liepold and Trevor Douglas “Protein cage magnetic nanoparticles: Inspiration, synthesis and biomedical utility” in Magnetic nanoparticles: From fabrication to clinical applications, Nguyen TK Thanh Ed. CRC Press, 73-97, 2012

Masaki Uchida, Lars O. Liepold, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas “Protein cage as multimode imaging agents” in Nanoplatform-based molecular imaging, Xiaoyuan Chen Ed. Wiley, 463-80, 2011

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